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Relationship Questions





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



Relationship Questions(圖1)-速報App

Fixing your relationship may be as easy as asking the right relationship questions. If your relationship has ended or is on the brink of ending, and you want to do something to fix it, only the right relationship questions will do to help you create a road map to recovery.

This app will guide you through smartphones to find some tips.

In this app, we will discuss about:

* The Top 10 Relationship Questions, Answered!

* 10 Insightful Questions to Ask a Dating Prospect

* 25 Questions That Every Woman Should Ask A Man: Essential Dating Advice For Women

Relationship Questions(圖2)-速報App

* 100 Relationship Questions To Ask Your Lover

* 53 Relationship Questions That Will Make Your Love Life Better

* 5 Important Dating Questions to Ask Yourself

* Authentic Relationships - 5 Question Exercise to Explore How You Show Up In Relationship

* 40 Questions to Help Build Intimacy in a Relationship

* How to Increase Your Chances of Attracting the Perfect Relationship With Karmic Numerology

Relationship Questions(圖3)-速報App

* 5 Ways To Avoid Awkward Questions After Divorce And Separation

* 60 Fun Relationship Questions for Couples

[ Features ]

- Easy & simple app book guide

- Periodic update of content

- Support Offline Database (So, you can open it without internet connection)

Relationship Questions(圖4)-速報App

- You can ask questions from our experts

- Send us your suggestions and we will add it

Concise explanation about Relationship Questions:

Love is said to be the gift of God. Scientific explanation of this very important and basic emotion has been tried by a number of researchers and scientists. To evaluate the depth of your relationship there may be some relationship questions to ask your lover.

Whatever the inception causes may be there for this divinely gifted sentiment; there always remain unseen barrier between the two soul mates.

Every relationship, be it love, business, friendship etc, is a two-sided game and each partner has to understand the other fully to make the relationship successful. Knowing your love partner is one of the difficult tasks of the world. The questions one should ask his or her love partner have quite a variety like personal, social, etc.

Relationship Questions(圖5)-速報App

One of the few initial relationship questions to ask your lover might be about his/her likings. One may ask the other partner about the things he/she likes and the things he/she dislikes for example. What is his or her favorite color, food cuisine, book, music, hobby, etc? What place he or she likes to go quite often, what sort of qualities he or she sees on first meeting with any person.What are his future plans.What sort of company your partner enjoys, what he or she thinks of love in general. How one will behave on first date etc

Find more in Relationship Questions App, and Enjoy it..

Relationship Questions(圖6)-速報App